1977 – 28th November – Kenilworth Town Council – By Election

Park Hill Ward (2 seats)

Patrica Adams Conservative Party448
Lance BramwellLiberal Party432
Jerry HicksConservative Party416
Robert ButlerLiberal Party392
Malcolm BurfittLabour Party84
Joseph EnglandLabour Party58


Kenilworth Town Councillors

12 Conservatives (J. Wilson, N. Wilson, F. Adcock, T. Robinson, R. Stansfield, K. Rawnsley, J. Sarsford, J. Cox, R. Monnington, K. Hogarth, H. Potts, P. Adams)

5 Liberals (H. Dore, J. Bastock, H. Thomas, E. Thomas, L. Bramwell)

1 Labour (B. Wozencroft)

1979 – 24th May – Kenilworth Town Council – Elections

Abbey Ward (3 seats)

*Jack BastockLiberal Party589
*Enys ThomasLiberal Party470
Kenneth GriffithsLiberal Party467
*Ronald StansfieldConservative Party303
*Nicholas WilsonConservative Party264
Brian Robinson-BrowneConservative Party231
Susan O’DonovanLabour Party76

Borrowell Ward (3 seats)

*Helen Dore Liberal Party682
*Haydn Alan ThomasLiberal Party516
Roger RolfeLiberal Party482
*Kenneth Hogarth Conservative Party477
Valerie Beaumont Conservative Party360
John Jones Conservative Party344
Wendy Jane EnglandLabour Party66

Castle Ward (3 seats)

*Kenneth Rawnsley Conservative Party695
John Cooke Conservative Party654
Daphne Harrison Conservative Party642
Graham WindybankLiberal Party407
Marjorie Barfield Liberal Party388
Peter Hardisty Liberal Party362
Thomas SwallowLabour Party47

Park Hill Ward (3 seats)

*Robert Butler Liberal Party665
*Patrica AdamsConservative Party588
*Harry PottsConservative Party563
Kenneth EvansLiberal Party527
Jerry HicksConservative Party518
Stephen AdamsLiberal Party474
Peter JonesLabour Party62
Peter SingerLabour Party51

St John’s Ward (3 seats)

*Bill WozencroftLabour Party490
*Jack CoxConservative Party459
*Richard MonningtonConservative Party458
Robert WoollerConservative Party449
Chris WebsterLabour Party372
Malcolm BurfittLabour Party302
Edward DoreLiberal Party226
Mary ArcherLiberal Party176

Windy Arbour Ward (3 seats)

*Florence AdcockConservative Party639
*John WilsonConservative Party607
*Thomas RobinsonConservative Party579
Lynn PollardLiberal Party324
Joseph EnglandLabour Party73
Elizabeth LeeLabour Party69

*denotes retiring councillors


Kenilworth Town Councillors (18 members)

10 Conservative Party (F. Adcock, J. Wilson, T. Robinson, J. Cox, R. Monnington, P. Adams, H. Potts, D. Harrison, J. Cooke, K. Rawnsley)

7 Liberal Party (R. Butler, R. Rolfe, H. Thomas, E. Thomas, H. Dore, J. Bastock, K. Griffiths)

1 Labour Party (B. Wozencroft)


1979 – 15th November – Kenilworth Town Council – By Election

Park Hill Ward

Graham WindybankLiberal Party555
Spencer HarrisonConservative Party508

Turnout 39.33%


Kenilworth Town Councillors (18 seats)

9 Conservative Party (F. Adcock, J. Wilson, T. Robinson, J. Cox, R. Monnington, P. Adams, D. Harrison, J. Cooke, K. Rawnsley)

8 Liberal Party (G. Windybank, R. Butler, R. Rolfe, H. Thomas, E. Thomas, H. Dore, J. Bastock, K. Griffiths)

1 Labour Party (B. Wozencroft)

1982 – 23rd September – Kenilworth Town Council – By Election

St John’s Ward

Robert WoollerConservative Party393
John SumnerLiberal Party276
Brendan PayneLabour Party117

Turnout 41%


1982 – 25th November – Kenilworth Town Council – By Election

Windy Arbour Ward

James Herbert Gross WhitbyConservative Party534
Brenda May PayneLabour Party92

Turnout 22.2%


1983 – 5th May – Kenilworth Town Council – Elections

Abbey Ward (6 seats)

*Kenneth RawnsleyConservative Party1922
Kenneth HogarthConservative Party1864
Michael CokerConservative Party1821
*Jack BastockLiberal Party1817
*John CookeConservative Party1781
John HatfieldConservative Party1718
D. BarfieldConservative Party1678
*Graham WindybankLiberal Party1594
*Haydn ThomasLiberal Party1544
*Kenneth GriffithsLiberal Party1457
*Enys ThomasLiberal Party1444
John SumnerLiberal Party1417
Teresa BlackwellLabour Party326
Melanie LomasLabour Party325
Geoffrey CleaveLabour Party313
M. HironsLabour Party296
R. SmithLabour Party288
Richard WoodLabour Party278

Turnout 61.3%

St John’s Ward (6 seats)

*Robert WoollerConservative Party2046
Peggy CoxConservative Party1984
*James WhitbyConservative Party1961
Pauline EdwardsConservative Party1919
*Viki McCleanConservative Party1882
Mike JamesConservative Party1838
*Bill WozencroftLabour Party1170
John WhitehouseSocial Democratic Party873
Mary HarrisonSocial Democratic Party809
M. ReynoldsSocial Democratic Party687
H. MakuraSocial Democratic Party631
I. RixomSocial Democratic Party627
Brenda PayneLabour Party622
Mark JubyLabour Party603
John PayneLabour Party563
Thomas SwallowLabour Party554
l. MountneyLabour Party533

Turnout 56.7%

Park Hill Ward (4 seats)

Spencer HarrisonConservative Party970
*Robert ButlerLiberal Party956
Thomas DaltonConservative Party925
Paul WeatherallLiberal Party883
Ian HillsConservative Party842
T. SturgessConservative Party794
Eric DealLiberal Party790
Vera RoystonLiberal Party743
John AireyLabour Party202
Chris PayneLabour Party180
Rosemary EllisLabour Party178
David PeggsLabour Party139

Turnout 61.4 %

*denotes retiring councillors

Kenilworth Town Councillors (16 seats)

13 Conservatives (S. Harrison, T. Dalton, R. Wooller, P. Cox, J. Whitby, P. Edwards, V. McClean, M. James, K. Rawnsley, K. Hogarth, M. Coker, J. Cooke, J, Hatfield)

3 Liberals (J. Bastock, R. Butler, P. Weatherall)


1987 – 7th May – Kenilworth Town Council – Elections

Abbey Ward (6 seats)

*Michael CokerConservative Party2059
*John CookeConservative Party2052
*Kenneth RawnsleyConservative Party2033
*Kenneth HogarthConservative Party1991
*Jack BastockSDP-Liberal Alliance1969
*John HatfieldConservative Party1876
John KinnieConservative Party1762
Haydn ThomasSDP-Liberal Alliance1554
Mary HarrisonSDP-Liberal Alliance1546
Enys ThomasSDP-Liberal Alliance1473
Ann CrumpSDP-Liberal Alliance1450
Neil ParnabySDP-Liberal Alliance1385
Teresa BlackwellLabour Party409
Nora EverittLabour Party392
Karl LapworthLabour Party333
Dick WoodLabour Party323
Beverley YellenLabour Party301

Park Hill (4 seats)

John DrewConservative Party1122
*Spencer HarrisonConservative Party1116
*Tony DaltonConservative Party1091
*Graham WindybankConservative Party1079
Ken GriffithsSDP-Liberal Alliance684
Elsie GriffithsSDP-Liberal Alliance669
*Bob ButlerSDP-Liberal Alliance667
Dr Joe RiversSDP-Liberal Alliance608
Tony BowenLabour Party278
Lesley BowenLabour Party264
Robin WinnLabour Party203
Paul GreggLabour Party187

St John’s Ward (6 seats)

*Bob WoollerConservative Party2383
*Peggy CoxConservative Party2286
*Pauline EdwardsConservative Party2245
*Viki McCleanConservative Party2191
Norman VincentConservative Party2158
Keith TurfreyConservative Party2153
William WozencroftSDP-Liberal Alliance1600
Vera RoystonSDP-Liberal Alliance1264
Dennis RoystonSDP-Liberal Alliance1263
Colin MasonSDP-Liberal Alliance1145
Liz TilsonSDP-Liberal Alliance1139
Patrick RyanSDP-Liberal Alliance1137
John BennettLabour Party424
Geoffrey CleavesLabour Party413
Madelin LewisLabour Party391
John PayneLabour Party380
Charlier PalmerLabour Party366
David PeggsLabour Party344

*denotes retiring councillors


Kenilworth Town Councillors (16 seats)

15 Conservatives (K. Rawnsley, B. Wooller, J. Cooke, P. Edwards, J. Hatfield, P. Cox, V. McClean, K. Turfrey, N. Vincent, J. Drew, S. Harrison, T. Dalton, G. Windybank, K. Hogarth, M. Coker)

1 SDP-Liberal Alliance (J. Bastock)


1990 – 28th June – Warwick District Council – By Election – Kenilworth

St. John’s Ward

Leslie Graham WindybankConservative Party1308
Diana Margaret BashamLabour Party650
Enys Parthenia ThomasLiberal Democrats313
Paul Steven LloydGreen Party200

Turnout 43%


Kenilworth’s St John’s remains with the Conservatives following Graham Windybank’s victory. This means they still hold all eight seats in Kenilworth on the district council.

This by-election was called because of the death of James Whitby who died last month. He had been a district councillor since 1983 and also served on both the town council and the old KUDC.

Mr Windybank, who lives in Brookside Ave, has lived in the town for 27 years. He is a widower with two children. He has spent his life in advertising and is a director of a midland agency. As a member of the town council he was chairman of the open spaces working party and was involved in the work on a management plan for the Common.

Kenilworth District Councillors

8 Conservatives (K. Rawnsley, M. Coker, J. Cooke, B. Wooller, J. Wilson, T. Dalton, S. Harrison, G. Windybank)

1991 – 2nd May – Kenilworth Town Council – Elections

Abbey Ward (6 seats)


*Michael Francis CokerConservative Party
*Jack BastockLiberal Democrats
Haydn Alan ThomasLiberal Democrats
Enys Parthenia ThomasLiberal Democrats
Helen PavierLiberal Democrats
Patrick Joseph RyanLiberal Democrats

Not Elected

*Kenneth RawnsleyConservative Party
*John Anthony CookeConservative Party
John WilesConservative Party
Maureen WestConservative Party
*John Edward HatfieldConservative Party
Michael Jonathan MorrisLiberal Democrats
Geoffrey Ernest CleaveLabour Party
Henry ScarboroughLabour Party
Muriel JohnstonLabour Party
Jill MurdochLabour Party
Rosemary May EllisLabour Party

St. John’s Ward (6 seats)


*Pauline Winifred EdwardsConservative Party
*Peggy Grace CoxConservative Party
*Robert Ronald WoollerConservative Party
*Leslie Graham WindybankConservative Party
Felicity Gena BunkerConservative Party
Marjorie Helen WeaverConservative Party

Not Elected

Muriel BastockLiberal Democrats
Frences Marilyn DutsonLiberal Democrats
Grace Lillian GunterLiberal Democrats
Barbara WardLiberal Democrats
Christopher John PayneLabour Party
Thomas SwallowLabour Party
Helen Maria RufflesLabour Party
David PeggsLabour Party
Brenda May PayneLabour Party
Diana Margaret BashamLabour Party

Park Hill Ward (4 seats)


*Thomas Anthony DaltonConservative Party
*Spencer Charlton HarrisonConservative Party
Peter John DurrantConservative Party
Joanna Mary IllingworthConservative Party

Not Elected

Eric Lewis DealLiberal Democrats
Judith Ann RawsonLiberal Democrats
Dennis Edmond RoystonLiberal Democrats
Vera Maud RoystonLiberal Democrats
Robert Guy FieldLabour Party
Robin Rain WinnLabour Party
Anthony BowenLabour Party

*denotes retiring members


Kenilworth Town Councillors (16 seats)

11 Conservatives (T. Dalton, S. Harrison, P. Durrant, J. Illingworth, P. Cox, P. Edwards, R. Wooller, G. Windybank, F. Bunker, M. Weaver, M. Coker)

5 Liberal Democrats (J. Bastock, H. Thomas, E, Thomas, H. Pavier, P. Ryan)


Footnote – As viewers will see, no votes are shown against any of the candidates. This was due to the fact that the local press did not publish a full sets of results. Plus, none are available on the WDC website. If anyone has a full set of results, please contact us. Thank You.

Alleged Infant Murder at Woodlands – 1876

‘Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland’ Licence CC-BY (NLS) https://maps.nls.uk/index.html

Shocking Discovery

Ashow Church (c1900) where Rev. Twistleton was Rector for more than three decades
Photo courtesy of Warwickshire County Records Office
ref. 352/10/6/ img 7272

Inquest – 10th June

Evidence – Stephen Hewens

Evidence – John Allen

Police Evidence

Adjourned Inquest – Tuesday 13th June

Post-Mortem Results

Witness – Mary Heden

The Hon. and Rev. Charles Samuel Twistleton (1806-1890)

Busby Sent to the Assizes

Witness – Dr. Bourne

Witness – Dr. Wynter

Disagreement of Experts

The Sentence

Twistleton’s Second Marriage

Photo courtesy of the Warwickshire County Records Office Ref. PH 652/1/111 Img 7091

The Woodlands and The Will

Grave of Charles and Caroline Twistleton at Ashow

Busby Moves On

  1. Various census records. ↩︎
  2. Ashow Church, List of Rectors, 1298-present. ↩︎
  3. UK, Calender of Prisioners, 1868-1929. ↩︎
  4. Church of England, Marriages and Banns 1754-1900. ↩︎
  5. Warwickshire, England, Church of England Marriage and Banns, 1754-1910, page 147. ↩︎
  6. Various cencus records ↩︎
  7. Warwickshire, England, Church of England Burial Records, 1813-1910. ↩︎
  8. Currency Converter – National Archives. ↩︎
  9. England & Wales, Civil Registration, Death Index, 1916-2007. ↩︎
  10. England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1837-1915. ↩︎
  11. England and Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1916-2007. ↩︎