Abbey Ward (6 seats)
Candidate | Party | Votes |
*Kenneth Rawnsley | Conservative Party | 1922 |
Kenneth Hogarth | Conservative Party | 1864 |
Michael Coker | Conservative Party | 1821 |
*Jack Bastock | Liberal Party | 1817 |
*John Cooke | Conservative Party | 1781 |
John Hatfield | Conservative Party | 1718 |
D. Barfield | Conservative Party | 1678 |
*Graham Windybank | Liberal Party | 1594 |
*Haydn Thomas | Liberal Party | 1544 |
*Kenneth Griffiths | Liberal Party | 1457 |
*Enys Thomas | Liberal Party | 1444 |
John Sumner | Liberal Party | 1417 |
Teresa Blackwell | Labour Party | 326 |
Melanie Lomas | Labour Party | 325 |
Geoffrey Cleave | Labour Party | 313 |
M. Hirons | Labour Party | 296 |
R. Smith | Labour Party | 288 |
Richard Wood | Labour Party | 278 |
Turnout 61.3%
St John’s Ward (6 seats)
Candidate | Party | Votes |
*Robert Wooller | Conservative Party | 2046 |
Peggy Cox | Conservative Party | 1984 |
*James Whitby | Conservative Party | 1961 |
Pauline Edwards | Conservative Party | 1919 |
*Viki McClean | Conservative Party | 1882 |
Mike James | Conservative Party | 1838 |
*Bill Wozencroft | Labour Party | 1170 |
John Whitehouse | Social Democratic Party | 873 |
Mary Harrison | Social Democratic Party | 809 |
M. Reynolds | Social Democratic Party | 687 |
H. Makura | Social Democratic Party | 631 |
I. Rixom | Social Democratic Party | 627 |
Brenda Payne | Labour Party | 622 |
Mark Juby | Labour Party | 603 |
John Payne | Labour Party | 563 |
Thomas Swallow | Labour Party | 554 |
l. Mountney | Labour Party | 533 |
Turnout 56.7%
Park Hill Ward (4 seats)
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Spencer Harrison | Conservative Party | 970 |
*Robert Butler | Liberal Party | 956 |
Thomas Dalton | Conservative Party | 925 |
Paul Weatherall | Liberal Party | 883 |
Ian Hills | Conservative Party | 842 |
T. Sturgess | Conservative Party | 794 |
Eric Deal | Liberal Party | 790 |
Vera Royston | Liberal Party | 743 |
John Airey | Labour Party | 202 |
Chris Payne | Labour Party | 180 |
Rosemary Ellis | Labour Party | 178 |
David Peggs | Labour Party | 139 |
Turnout 61.4 %
*denotes retiring councillors
A new ward system was introduced for this election. The traditional six wards were replaced by three but larger wards. The historical: Windy Arbour, Borrowell and Castle wards were gone. The number of councillors was also reduced from 18 to 16. One further change was that elections would now be every four years, replacing the longstanding triennial polls.
These changes did not go down well with the heavily defeated Liberals. They claimed the results on the new ward boundaries had favoured the Tories, and had been engineered by them. Town Major, Bill Wozencroft lost his seat, as did three others members, deputy Mayor Haydn Thomas, his wife, Enys and Liberal leader Graham Windybank. The Liberals were now down to just three councillors, a reduction of four from the 1979 election.
Jack Bastock, one of the Liberals who survived the rout, stated that the new boundaries were a ‘big con’, the wards were so large the result was distorted. The Liberals also believed that the many new people on the Knight’s Meadow estate were not aware of the Liberals strength or hard work they do in Kenilworth and as a result voted politically.
New to the Tory ranks are solicitor, Michael Coker and Spencer Harrison who are also district councillors. Other new members include Peggy Cox, wife of the late councillor, Jack Cox. Tony Dalton, an office equipment supplier and has lived in Kenilworth for seven years and was elected in Park Hill. Mike James, John Hatfield and Pauline Edwards are also completely new to council work. But Kenneth Hogarth is an ‘old’ face to the council having been Town Major (1976) and Chairman of the old KUDC (1973) before losing his seat at the 1979 poll.
Viki McClean is not entirely a new face, having been co-opted onto the council in March. Bob Wooller, following his by-election success last September, topped the tree in St John’s with a whopping 2046 votes, the highest of any candidate.
Kenilworth Town Councillors (16 seats)
13 Conservatives (S. Harrison, T. Dalton, R. Wooller, P. Cox, J. Whitby, P. Edwards, V. McClean, M. James, K. Rawnsley, K. Hogarth, M. Coker, J. Cooke, J, Hatfield)
3 Liberals (J. Bastock, R. Butler, P. Weatherall)

1983-84 Kenneth Rawnsley
1984-85 Spencer Harrison
1985-86 Jack Bastock
1986-87 John Cooke
Town Clerk – Harry Sunley