We all know, that when even a small pebble is dropped or thrown into a pool, ripples expand outwards for quite a way, often until they reach a distant shore.
I have discovered that this can happen on what I refer to as the, ‘Pool of Life’, I speak of metaphorical pebbles obviously. It happened to me in late 2008, when, completely out of the blue, I received an email from the USA from a LA company called, J. West. They were representing Disney Home Entertainment Inc, and were inviting me to take part in the launch of the DVD/Blu-Ray platinum edition of the remastered cartoon film of Pinocchio. Yes, they wanted me!
I was so sceptical, thinking it was some sort of a scam, I took the time to research them to check on the company – they were genuine. After some transatlantic negotiation, I agreed to the whole thing. I will summarise my week-long Hollywood adventure later.

But it has puzzled me ever since who, somewhere in the world, knew of my one-man-band, toy research and wooden toy making business all in a small shed, here in Kenilworth. Exactly, WHO threw that pebble into my personal ‘pool of life’, for the ripples to expand outwards across the Atlantic to the USA? I have never found out and probably never will.
A Change of Career
I had given up my post as Deputy Manager/Social Worker after 15 years at a Warwick Day Centre for adults with severe learning disabilities, to set myself up as a researcher, then re-creator of historically accurate wooden toys, dolls and games.

After a very slow start, by making a few toys, selling at places like Kenilworth Market and even on Carnival day.
I expanded the business, by using my social work and teaching skills to create, then to validate, toy history and toy making courses, for Infant and Junior Schools. This as part of the then growing, National Curriculum.

Every month I would make enough toys to sell at Craft Events locally, and in the Cotswolds, then enough of my little toy-kits for my practical toy-making workshops at schools, museums and on historic sites. Eventually, I became Tudor Toymaker to English Heritage, and Victorian Toymaker for the National Trust and other museums.

My little toy-kits could be completed by almost any child within 40 minutes. I made a range of about 40 different toys, which meant I could spend a whole day with a single class.

I soon had a full order book, which kept me exceptionally busy, and exceedingly happy – all my hard work was finally paying off!
A further development was my historically accurate replicas of museum exhibits of wooden toys, dolls and games. These allowed children to have, hands-on experience during their visits.

Drawings by Cyril Hobbins
There are collections of these toys at places like Charlecote House, Wordsworth House, Compton Verney, Tattershall Castle plus many other museums.
So, after around five years, I was becoming relatively well known in the Midlands, and especially the Cotswolds. But I say again, who told Disney? Which returns me to my ‘Pebbles in the Pool of Life’ ………….. theme
Out in the Streets

Folks around Kenilworth know me as, ‘The Man With a Camera’, I’m rarely seen without one.
I am what they call a ‘Street Photographer’, shooting anything or anyone of interest, it is a recognised photography genre, which began soon after the invention of portable cameras.
The best of my edited shots, are submitted to an International Photography Forum for display, comment and criticism; my online portfolio is very large and varied now. See link below.

Disney – An Enduring Memory
To summarise as promised earlier, in January 2009, my wife Glenys and I, were whisked off by a chauffeur driven car to Heathrow Airport to board a Boeing 777, heading for LAX International Airport; as VIP guests in business-class, no less! On arrival at LAX, and after a rather stressful introduction to US Border Control and Immigration, we were greeted by a driver, who took us to our accomodation.

As guests of Disney Home Entertainment, we spent a magical week in a luxury suite at the Hollywood Renaissance Hotel, (13 floors up), overlooking the city, with the famous Hollywood Sign in the distance hills. During our stay, we ate at the Hollywood Grill and used the roof-top swimming pool. The hotel breakfast’s, had to be seen to be believed, we were thoroughly spoiled. This was after a film crew from Pinewood Studio’s, had filmed me at home in my workshop. This video was used as part of the second disc, that launched the re-mastered, Pinocchio.
If you search my name or Pinocchio, part of it can still be seen on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kecy38kXUVs&t=244s

We were given two days to recover from our jet-lag which gave us time to explore places like; Hollywood Boulevard, Beverley Hills and Santa Monica. Then came two days of hard and intensive work at the Burbank Disney Studios, giving dozens of press interviews and toy making demonstrations. I was even given an official ‘Minder’ to keep an eye on me. She was wonderful, always ensuring that I was comfortable and at ease.
One task was to take part in what is known as a ‘B’ Roll movie, for Disney Records. For the first time (and hopefully the last) I was given the full works by a make-up artist. We had lighting and sound checks etc, I then demonstrated my large collection of wooden toys to the Chief Creative Officer, John Lasseter, whilst he interviewed me.

Afterwards, we were given a complete tour of the Walt Disney archive and museum, including the huge pre-war animation camera that Walt Disney used, for all his early work. We even met the man, Dickie Jones (pictured), a child actor back in the day, who did the original voice of Pinocchio, in the film’s production during 1938/9. He was 11-years-old at the time!
A truly amazing week at Disney, that remains an enduring memory.

The Platinum DVD/Blu Ray edition of Pinocchio is still about, (plenty to be found on ebay), but less and less people are using this format nowadays, so maybe the film can be found on the Disney+ streaming service? Have a look if you are a subscriber.
But, finally, I would truly love to discover who threw my pebble?? ………………..
Cyril Hobbins 2023
There may be a closer link to Charlotte park estate than you think. One of your relative worked for the Lucy family as a groom. Maybe you feel comfortable with your work there?
Hello Graham
Thanks for your message.
I was asked to put this articule that Cyril wrote onto this website many months ago. He wanted to share it with as many people as possible.
The mention of Charlecote was just a reference to one of the many places he worked at during his time as a toymaker.
I dont really know if Cyril is aware of any relatives that worked there.
Nick Green