Shooting in Leyes Lane – George Brewer – 1891

Double Tragedy of Kenilworth Men

‘Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland’ (1886) Licence CC-BY (NLS)
Site of shooting – present day

Inquest of John Reuben Rainbow

The Bull Inn (now a private resistence)

Evidence of Joseph Rainbow

Evidence of William Rainbow

‘Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland’ (1886) Licence CC-NY (NLS)

Evidence of Police

The Verdict

With the overwelming evidence of the case, the jury could only come to one conclusion. They returned a verdict that Rainbow committed suicide while ‘temporarily insane’.

Inquest of George Alfred Brewer

Abbey Hotel (photo courtesy of Graham Gould, Kenilworth In Camera)

Evidence of John Brewer

Evidence of Sophia Walker

Medical Evidence of Dr Clarke

Evidence of Police

Depositions of George Brewer

The Verdict

From The Pulpit

Funeral Of George Brewer

John Rainbow

Tragedy at Rouncil Towers – Annie Maria Stanyer – 1914

Rouncil Towers c1945 Courtesy of the Warwickshire County Records Office CR 1709/578 img 9276
‘Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland’ Licence CC-BY (NLS)

Thrown from Cart

The Inquest

Former Council House in Upper Rosemary Hill (now apartments)

The Coroner

Brother Fred Stanyer

Fernhill Farm – Early 1900s (courtesy of Graham Gould, Kenilworth In Camera)

Evidence of Miss Hawkins

Junction of Warwick Road and Rouncil Lane ‘Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland’ Licence CC-BY (NLS)

Witness James Prestidge

Rouncil Towers Lodge (Warwickshire County Records Office CR 1709/578 image 9277)

Medical Evidence

Mortuary Needed in Kenilworth

The Verdict

Mortuary Matters & Kenilworth Urban District Council

What Happened to Rouncil Towers?

Former site of Rouncil Towers and the Lodge

Tumbledown Stile – Revisited – Cyril Hobbins

Abbey Gatehouse
Stile just visable behind the man (1860s) (courtesy of Warwickshire County Records Office ref. PH 652/1/113 img 7093

Other Tumbledown Stile’s

The Charlecote Stile – Both old (early 1900s) and present day (2022)

How Old is the Stile?

Vandalised – 1973

By March 1973 it was starting to show its age and bits were falling off. (courtesy of Kenilworth Weekly News)

The Restoration – 1986

Photos courtesy of Cyril Hobbins (1986)

Abbey Museum & Heritage Centre – Abbey Fields

Abbey Museum & Heritage Centre – Abbey Fields

Present Day

Cyril re-united with stile – 2022

Escape From Dunkirk – Robert Green

Robert’s Parents – Harry and Gwendoline
899836 Private Green

British Expeditionary Force

WW1 Equipment

Rapid Withdrawal

Arrival at Dunkirk

Daily Totals Evacuated from Dunkirk

Robert in the TA after the war

Jim’s War – Jim Lewis

Bofors Gun

Off to Bonnie Scotland

Invasion of North Africa – Operation Torch

Nea Hellas

Friendly Fire


Gun Tractor

The Itailian Campaign

Regiment Disbanded

Later Years

Jim Lewis – Almost 100 years old

H. H. Railton & Ernest Shrimpton

Nellie and Ernest in their younger days. (photo courtesy of Sally Taylor)
Shop at 6, The Square c1920s (photo courtesy of Sally Taylor)
Shop in New Street – year unknown (photo courtesy of Sally Taylor)
Present day (now a private house)
The Norvic Shoe Factory – c1961
Ernest is on the far left of the back row c1930s (photo courtesy of Sally Taylor)
Pet & Garden Supplies – c1997
Nellie and Ernest – 1963 (photo courtesy of Sally Taylor)
The Picture Shop – c2005
Tree House Book Shop – present day

Lost Shops 2013-14

Lost Shops 2015-16

Lost At Sea – Ernest Thomas Isaac Ashmore – 1918


Ernest and ‘Operation GF’

HM Vulcan H5
Notification of Ernest’s death

Wreck-Site On Protection List


Kenilworth War Memorial
