2015 – 7th May – Kenilworth Town Council – Election

Abbey Ward (5 seats)

*Michael Francis CokerConservative Party1580
*George Reginald IllingworthConservative Party1516
Rowena Ann HillConservative Party1481
Helen DelaneyConservative Party1406
*Katherine Sara DicksonLiberal Democrats1378
James MaherConservative Party1239
John Richard WhitehouseLiberal Democrats1217
Alison Rita Margaret TylerLiberal Democrats1165
Andrew TullochLiberal Democrats1131
Andrew BrierleyLiberal Democrats1042
Joshua PayneLabour Party743
Rhiannon FreguelliTrade Union and Social Coalition241

Park Hill Ward (6 seats)

*Dave John ShiltonConservative Party2873
*Felicity Gena BunkerConservative Party2777
*Andrew James MobbsConservative Party2709
Richard John HalesConservative Party2599
*Shirley Beatrice ShiltonConservative Party2475
*Michael Charles HitchinsConservative Party2344
Jeremy EastaughLabour Party1736

St John’s Ward (6 seats)

Patricia May CainConservative Party2448
*Richard Ivor DaviesConservative Party2383
Marilyn BatesConservative Party2356
*John Anthony CookeConservative Party2341
Alastair BatesConservative Party2248
Clive NelsonConservative Party1718
Richard Guy DicksonLiberal Democrats1615
Gillian Ann PalmerLiberal Democrats1431
Richard GrimesLabour Party1161
Lynn Annette PollardLiberal Democrats1115
Mary Latham HarrisonLiberal Democrats1088
Nicholas HotenLabour Party1065
Ian Malcolm FenwickLiberal Democrats1061
Peter Joseph ShielsLabour Party1036
John Steven WilsonLiberal Democrats939
*denotes sitting councillor


It was hardy a contest in the town election this year, which left only one non-Tory on the council. Lib-Dem, Kate Dickson was the soul survivour, retaining her seat in Abbey ward.

In Park Hill, if it wasn’t for Jeremy Eastaugh of the Labour Party, there wouldn’t have been an election at all. With six seats up for grabs, only seven candidates stood. The Lib-Dems deeming it a Tory stronghold, so wasn’t worth contesting. They were dead right.

Lib-Dem, Patrick Ryan, who had been on the council (Abbey Ward) for the last 12 years, did not seek re-election. He first stood in a town election way back in 1987, and was elected to the council between 1991 and 1999.

Following retirements and resignations, the Conservatives have seven newcomers to Jubilee House. Helen Delaney and Rowena Hill in Abbey Ward, Richard Hales in Park Hill and Pat Cain, Marilyn Bates, Alastair Bates and Clive Nelson in St. John’s. John Cooke will become the leader of the council and Michael Coker, the Mayor.

Kenilworth Town Councillors

16 Conservatives (M.Coker, J. Cooke, P. Cain, R. Davies, M. Bates, A. Bates, C. Nelson, D. Shilton, S. Shilton, F. Bunker, A. Mobbs, R. Hales, M. Hitchins, G. Illingworth, R. Hill, H. Delaney)

1 Liberal Democrat (K. Dickson)


2015-16 Michael Coker

2016-17 Richard Davies

2017-18 Kate Dickson (pictured)

2018-19 Michael Hitchins

Town Clerk – Maggie Field

Kenilworth Magistrates Court – Officials 1956

Magistrates (JP’s)

Kenilworth Magistrates Court – Officials 1950

Magistrates (JP’s)

1962 Kenilworth Magistrates Court Highlights

Driver Refused to Dodge the Issue of his ‘Wobbling Car’

Parents did not Approve of Marriage

Failed to Register as an ‘Alien’

Betwixt and Between

1963 Kenilworth Magistrates Court Officials

Magistrates (JP’s)

1963 – January – Kenilworth Magistrates Court

Jimmy Hill’s Offside Move Failed

Bought Tuck With What He Took

Court Had a ‘Bone To Pick’ with Lorry Driver

Ice Cream Man in a Hurry to Sell Ices

Jacked Up Job after White Line Troubles

Couldn’t wait a Few More Days to have Some Booze

2017 – 4th May – Kenilworth Town Council – By Election

St. John’s Ward

CandidatePartyVotes% vote
Richard Guy DicksonLiberal Democrats129742.91
Joe CarterConservative Party120239.77
Jeremy EastaughLabour Party2999.89
Alix Margaret Dearing Green Party1274.20
Susan Mabel ChambersUnited Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP)993.27
Majority 95

Electorate 6679 (Turnout 49%)

Ballot Papers Issued 3024 (2 Spoilt Papers)


The election was triggered by the resignation of Conservative, Alistar Bates who was moving to New Zealand. He had been elected to the council two years previously.

After five previous town council elections, stretching back 22 years, all in the Tory stronghold of St. John’s, Richard Dickson’s long fight for a seat on the council, has finally come to fruition. His determination and perseverance has won him the day.

In a tight contest, he fought off Tory rival Joe Carter by just 95 votes.

Richard Dickson now joins his wife Kate at Jubilee House, but the Lib-Dems have an up-hill struggle with just two councillors as opposed to 15 Tories. Good luck, Mr & Mrs Dickson!

Kenilworth Town Councillors

15 Conservatives (M.Coker, J. Cooke, P. Cain, R. Davies, M. Bates, C. Nelson, D. Shilton, S. Shilton, F. Bunker, A. Mobbs, R. Hales, M. Hitchins, G. Illingworth, R. Hill, H. Delaney)

2 Liberal Democrats (K. Dickson, R. Dickson)

1963 – February – Kenilworth Magistrates Court

Could Not Stop Herself

The court heard it was the old, old story of yielding to temptation once and then finding it difficult to stop after that. The 19 year-old girl, who described herself as ‘industrious and conscientious’ was Marion Daniels of St. John’s Ave. She admitted two charges of taking money while employed at Waverley Garage as a petrol pump attendant and asked for two similar offences to be taken into consideration. Explaining her actions, she said; “It only started with a few shillings, once I had took one lot I couldn’t stop myself”.

After noticing discrepancies in the takings, said Inspector Albert Cox, the garage manager sprang a trap on January 17th and found that the till was £3 light. Inquires by Detective Constable Wilson ascertained that £5 had been taken by Daniels in November.

Telling the girl that she would be put on probation for two years and that she must make restitution of £12-5s to the garage. The chairman stated that she had obviously realised the seriousness of her actions and that she was in need of some help.

Petrol Theft Cost Him £10 and his Job

A Jamaican man, Henry Wallingford Minto of Coventry was fined £10 at court for stealing a five gallon can of petrol from his employers, Mother’s Pride Bakeries of Baginton. Inspector Albert Cox said that the manager of the firm checked the boots of cars belonging to employees and found the petrol in Minto’s vehicle.

Detective Constable Wilson, investigated the case and his inquires led to Minto being charged. The petrol was said to be worth £1-1s-3d. Minto was stated to have since lost his job with the firm. He had not been in trouble with the police before.

More Drunken Drivers Than Ever

In 1961, Kenilworth Magisrates convicted 12 drunken people but that fell to just one in 1962. But drunken drivers increased from 6 to 9 over the same period. Addressing the annual meeting of the Kenilworth Licensing Justices commitee, Inspector Albert Cox pointed out that partcular attention had been paid to the comsumption of ‘intoxicating liquor’ by young people on licenced premises. He added that a 20 year-old man and an 18 year-old girl had been convicted of buying drinks for juveniles under 18. Also, two young people were found guilty of drinking in public houses while underage.

In the division there were 35 public houses and fully licenced hotels plus ten off-licences. The population was recorded as 32,842, that’s 938 people to each fully licenced house. The figure quoted does not apply solely to Kenilworth town. The area administrated by Kenilworth Police covers extensive territory. Licenced premises have been generally well conducted and no proceedings had been taken against licence holders.

Muddy Footprints Gave the Game Away

Clues left behind by a 13 year-old local boy who helped himself to a cashbox, containing 15 shillings from one of the best-kept houses in Kenilworth, stuck out a mile. They were muddy footprints embossed on a carpet near an open window. That was on December 8th. This week the boy was on another carpet, the proverbial kind, when he appeared at the juvenile court where he was put on probation for three years.

He was told by Mrs. L. Smalley; presiding, “You have been given a chance, I hope you will respond to it. His muddy footprints on the carpet put the police on his trail which revealed that he had committed other “misdemeanours”.

In November, he had stolen two money boxes, milk cheques and some money, totalling £2. Some of the money had belonged to his father, no less. When interviewed, the boy admitted the theft at the house where he left his footprints. He had noticed a window open and climbed through it and then helped himself to the loot.

Took Money Back That He Had Put in the Slot

After his wife had left their Kenilworth cottage and their three children were put into care, Joseph Nicholson, now of no fixed abode, stole £5-7s from his electricity meter. Inspector Albert Cox said that Nicholson, who pleaded quilty, went to Coventry after taking the money and later travelled all the way to Northumerland.

He and his wife who had lived in Bockendon Grange Road, had parted company just before Christmas. The theft was discovered when Nicholson’s wife returned to the cottage. She saw the meter had been forced open and the money had disappeared. Kenilworth Police traced the accussed to an address in Northumberland and he was remanded in custody.

Presiding, Mr W. Hatterell, said in view of the fact that Nicholson had been in prison whilst awaiting trial and that he had suffered domestic trouble, the court were going to be lenient with him. He was fined £5 and ordered to pay the stolen money back to the East Midlands Electricity Board.

Toboganner’s Cars Caused an Obstruction

There was not much space anywhere on the road perimeter of the Abbey Fields to park cars on the first Saturday of January. So many toboganners had turned up in vehicles and two local men were among the seekers of the joys of snow. They had clumsily parked their cars on Abbey Hill near the junction of Abbey End (near the War memorial). At court, they were both charged with causing an unnecessary obstruction.

One of the men was Michael Jones of High Street, who said Inspector Albert Cox, had parked his car only four yards from the Abbey End junction. It caused cars negotiating the bend to take evasive action to avoid collisions. The other man, Barry Hirons, of Queens Road, parked his car nine yards from the junction. Both pleaded quilty by letter and each fined £1.

Five other motorists, who lived outside of Kenilworth were found £2 each for similar offences. Double that of Kenilworth residents.

Airmen In Red Lamp Prank

It was little wonder that the curiosity of a police patrol was aroused when they spotted a red light, late at night, going along Warwick Road. It was bobbing about as it moved along. As cars got close, it bobbed all the more. In fact, it seemed to making some kind of signal. The police car took heed of the signal, which was bad luck for two lads of the R.A.F. The airmen, David Cresswell and Gerald Roy, who are presently stationed at Wellesbourne Airbase, were the culprits of the prank. They said they were hitch-hiking back to camp after the car in which they were travelling was involved in an accident. The lamp was the property of Kenilworth Urban District Council.

The airmen had found it at the side of the road and it was not lite. They explained at court, that they proceeded to light it to warm themselves up as it was a cold night. The trouble was they had become far too attached to the lamp and it became their travelling companion. By the time the police caught up with them they had thrown it into a garden. For stealing the lamp, which they both admitted, the airmen were fined £1 each.

1963 – March – Kenilworth Magistrates Court

Rafman Did Not Halt

21 year-old Reginald Cavell Bailey of R.A.F. Wellesbourne was before the court following a collision on the Abbey Hotel crossroads. It was stated that he did not stop at the halt-sign on December 8th and went straight into a Midland Red bus. In a statement, Bailey, who pleaded quilty, said he was not familiar with the roads in Kenilworth. Luckily, nobody in the bus was injured.

His licence was endorsed and was fined £10 for driving without due care and attention.

Fled from the Scene but Nabbed near Pub

Coventry motorist Peter Franklyn did not stop after clouting another car whilst recklessly overtaking at Crackley. But he eventually pulled up a bit further along the route, outside of a pub in New Street. He was still sitting in his car when the driver of the clobbered car caught up with him. Recognising Franklyn’s car, he stopped and then saw the occupant getting out of the car but as he did, he just flopped onto the ground.

He was charged with driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs, dangerous driving and failing to stop after an accident. The bench showed little sympathy and he was banned from driving for two years and fined a whopping £50. He was also ordered to pay a doctor’s fee of 3 guineas.

Inspector Albert Cox said that on examination by a doctor, it was estimated that Franklyn had consumed the equivalent of at least seven pints of beer. At court, Franklyn said that he had been ‘terribly distressed’ about his domestic troubles and has also been out of work. (but had enough money for booze, apparently)

Band’s Tom-Tom Had Gone

No matter what happens the show must go on, a term often used by entertainers. It must have been in the minds of the members of a band whose ‘tom-tom’ drum had disappeared just before they were due to play at a dance at the Abbey Hotel.

“It was only done as a prank and we were going to return it but we didn’t have the guts to take it back” said 18 year-old Nigel Hook of Ashfield Road. He was jointly charged with John Banham of Fernhill Farm with stealing the drum, valued at £12. They both pleaded guilty and were fined £3 each. (boom, boom)

Court Landed Up in Court

Brian Richard Court, a 19 year-old Kenilworth garage forecourt attendant who said, “A little but often” at court, was put on probation for two years. The defendant, of Beauchamp Road, pleaded quilty to embezzling 7s-6d from his employers, Bridge Service Station and falsification of accounts.

Inspector Albert Cox said that instead of registering the money paid to him by customers for paraffin he just kept it. He asked for several other similar offences to be taken into consideration. When questioned by the police, Court admitted ‘pocketing’ money given to him by customers, especially when he had ‘run short’. It was stated he was of previous good character. (Well, that’s alright then)

Car was Casulty of ‘Car Clinic’ Van

On the evening of February 10th, a Saturday, Mr. Albert Lucas of High Strret went out for the night with some friends. When he returned at about 1am he parked his car outside his house and went inside with his companions.

Shortly afterwards he heard an ‘almighty bang’. When he ran outside he saw that a van with ‘Car Clinic’ on the side had hit his vehicle and it hadn’t stopped and was continuing along High Street towards Coventry.

Police traced the van and the man, Bernard Overton to an address in Green Lane, Finham. He was subsequently charged on three counts; driving without due care and attention, failing to stop and not reporting an accident.

Overton who, it was stated, “Was not paying proper attention to his driving”, was fined a total of £25 and had his licenced endorsed.

The so-called ‘Car Clinic’ will not be top of Mr Lucas’s list for the repairs to his vehicle.

1963 – April – Kenilworth Magistrates Court

A Bag Full of Bottles

Carrying a bag full of bottled drinks he had stolen from a public house, a 14 year-old boy was riding a bicycle towards Coventry. Travelling in the opposite direction was a car-full of coppers. Two detectives and a constable. They had been tipped off about the robbery.

Constable Victor Sandel spotted the bag on the boy’s bike and thought he recognised the shape of bottles inside it. The boy was stopped and the bag was found to contain the stolen bottles. At first he denied taking them, saying that he had ‘found them in a ditch’. But on further questioning by PC Sandel, he admitted the offence.

We was charged at the juvenile court with stealing the property, valued at £1-8s-4d.

He said a glass window was half-broken, so he pulled the remaining piece out in order to gain enterance to the premises. The boy was conditionally discharged for 12 months.

The Invisible Park Road Halt-Sign?

At court, a theory as to why so many motorists fail to stop at the halt-sign at Park Road junction with Albion Street.

Inspector Albert Cox said that the sign on the wall of the ‘Wyandotte’ public house, indicated the direction to Towers Hospital in Park Hill. But, many motorists who are just looking for the hospital sign then miss the ‘halt’ notice, explained the inspector. He gave the theory after George Rouse of Bedworth, who was in court on a charge of careless driving at the said junction, where he collided with another vehicle.

Rouse stated; “As long as I have been driving I have never seen a halt-sign so close to another road”. The other driver added, Inspector Cox, was Mr Tyler of Red Lane who was travelling along Albion Street in the direction of Mill End. Rouse drove out of Park Road and collided straight into Mr Tyler’s car.

Imposing a nominal fine of £2 on Rouse, the bench recommended that the ‘appropriate authority’ look into the siting of the halt-sign’s. Kenilworth Council recently received a letter from the clerk of the magistrates court commenting on many previous observations of the signs. The local surveyor is checking up on them to see if they can be moved to a better position.

No Show at Court

Hotel worker William Clynch who was out on bail on a charge of maliciously inflicting grievious bodily harm upon Antonio Ruffolo, failed to appear at court to face the music. There is now a warrant out for his arrest.

It was stated in court, that Clynch an employee at Chesford Grange Hotel, wounded Ruffolo, who was at the time working in the hotel’s kitchen. Ruffolo, it was stated, had to attend hospital for his injuries resulting in him having seven stitches in his forehead and four in his nose.

Neglected Kids Often Begged for ‘Crusts’

Kenilworth man, Trevor John Steel of St. John Street who appeared before the court previously for neglecting his six children was placed on probation for three years. Had had been remanded for three weeks pending further reports.

The magistrates said to him; “We feel that with help and guidance you should be able to overcome these difficulties and settle down”. At the previous hearing, the court heard how the children had worked in their spare time, cleaning cars and doing odd jobs to raise money to pay for their Christmas dinner. Also, they had often gone to Mrs Steel’s mother to beg for ‘crusts’.

A Fowl Business in Dalehouse Lane

Up before the bench was John Powell of Hall Close, Stoneleigh. He was charged with stealing poultry from a farm in Kenilworth. The 45 year-old, a Coventry abattoir worker earning £15-a-week, took out a ‘sideline’ of supplying chickens to various sources but it turned out to be a risky business venture.

Police had been informed that between last December and April this year, 72 fowl had gradually disappeared from Kingswood Farm in Dalehouse Lane. They were valued at £65.

Although efforts were made by the owners and police to prevent the thefts, the intruder still managed to enter the pens with foxy artfullness. Every night, said Inspector Albert Cox, the pens were securely locked but the thefts continued. A close watch was maintained and double doors were even fitted. But the intruder was not deterred.

Powell’s name was linked to the thefts and the police visited his home at Stoneleigh where they found he had 10 chickens, one of which was dead. He told the police that he had purchased them three months earlier. But on further questioning, he eventually admitted stealing the birds from the farm. He said; “I just kept taking them”. He added that the first twenty he stole he sold them in a Coventry pub and others around various parts of the city.

On placing Powell on three years probation, Mrs L. Smalley, presiding, said “If you go on in this way you will end up in prison”. He was said to have had a number of previous convictions. He was ordered to pay £70 compensation to the owners of the farm.